Monday, June 7, 2010

Man Make Computer

Maybe, this is the only thing that has surpassed the greatness of the television.

The computer has evolved over time just like the television has. What started out as a great big box that sat on our desk (I admit having one like this all the way through college), taking up all of the space there was, has now turned into flat screen monitors and laptops.

The computer replaced many current data and file systems in the workplace, allowing people to store things electronically. Audiences for the computer vary. While there are many children who are very inept at using this piece of technology, there are many older adults and senior citizens who do not (my mother, for example). This is a generation who did not grow up with it, and therefore it is more foreign to them. However, my generation will have grown up on computers, making them a more natural technology like the television.

Computers are now being used to enhance other forms of communication, such as the already popular cartoon. Animated movies are now being made by computer animation, creating such an incredible experience at the movies. Movies like Avatar use computers to create a whole new world for viewers. The same goes for video games. My cousin makes a very good living at the company "Blizzard" creating video games for the computer.

Negative nancies can say the downside of a computer can be that people don't know how to socialize anymore, they don't see enough sunlight or they develop an addiction. Yes, this is true. However, don't we all need to practice self control? Too much of a good thing is still too much.

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