Monday, June 28, 2010

Join the Club

As a marketer and communications/media professional, there are a few memberships I have joined in the past as well as organizations I am a member of today. Most of which are marketing related, however there are also a few that are a bit broader.

The Editorial Freelancers Association: I am not currently a member of this, but stumbled upon it during my research and really like it. It encompasses everyone, from writers to editors to proofreaders. It is the largest and oldest national professional organization of editorial freelancers ( and has various aspects to its membership. The free online directory lists freelancers, all of whom may network and find another editorial freelancer to help work on a project. Writers can find editors; e ditors can find proofreaders, etc. Members can submit a job posting or search for open positions. The organization also hosts its own events across the country, such as Regional Meetings and Scrabble nights.

Business Marketing Association: I am not currently a member of this, because I currently do not do B2B type marketing, but it’s a very good organization from the outside. The BMA represents those in business marketing communications. Much like any other organization, there is a membership to join. The BMA provides members with education, training and professional development in business-to-business marketing ( The organization provides local chapters to join which lead to networking events, conferences and training sessions. Annual membership is $185; Educator membership is $125.

Media Bistro: This is an organization that I am currently a part of. It involves all types of media and communications positions (and isn’t the name cute?). Annual membership is on the low side compared to many organizations (about $59) and it opens up a whole new world to you. You are invited to various conferences and trainings around the county (topics include “Breaking into Magazine Writing” and “Advertising”) and if you are a member, you can view the transcripts from those trainings for free. There is also a job search site, showing openings in the creative field all over the country. There is also a site dedicated to freelancers, called the Market Place, where people can post their work to be viewed by potential employers. There is also networking, various parties held in cities like New York and Chicago as well as blogs (

American Marketing Association: This is my pride and joy. I just joined this organization, and I love it. They have some of the most interesting and relevant events and conferences. They use the term “marketing power, which is exactly what it is. Since this organization is generalized towards marketing, it includes B2B and B2C marketing. There are also local chapters to join and events such as “Advanced Social Media” (I am hopefully attending this training in Chicago soon) as well as online all-day seminars, one of which I am taking tomorrow about Market Research. There are job listings, a resource library and discounts on marketing publications (

American Association of Advertising Agencies: This organization is very much like the American Marketing Association, only it is for advertising professionals and agencies. . The organization includes national events and local chapters, resources in the field of advertising, talent development and job listings. This organization and website also keep their members up to date with all of the latest news on the advertising front. There are member bulletins and social networking opportunities (

People can expect many things when joining a professional organization. First and foremost, they can expect to pay for a membership. There is an annual fee, and many times if you also join a local chapter you will pay membership dues as well. I would always suggest joining a local chapter, if you live near one (I currently do not). That way you can always attend meetings and do your networking in person! You can also expect to keep up to date on the latest news pertaining to your field as well as invitations to training seminars and conferences. There is always a fee for the conference; however you can save up to $400-500 on the total cost if you are a member. I would always suggest joining an organization that pertains to your profession, mainly for networking purposes, as well as furthering your knowledge and staying up to date.

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